Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wanted: World's smallest violin player

Welcome, welcome. The name of this shit here is (Ten points go to whoever can tell me what classic track starts like that) Words from the Voice, that being me, yours truly, R-SON the Voice of Reason. We'll get into my nom de plume and its origins another day. For now I'd just like to vent a bit.

See, I'm about a month away from my 36th birthday, which means it's been about ten years since the beginning of the end of my master plan. It was born shortly after my graduation in 1998 from Penn State University (ranked no.1 party school for 2009! We Are...) and was subsequently shot in the ass in around September of 1999. the poor thing didn't even get to see it's one year birthday. (More on the plan and it's premature demise coming soon...)

AnyHoo, the reason why I'm looking for the world's smallest violinist, is of course, to play the world's smallest violin for and actually mean it. It's been an interesting decade, some great, some fucked up, but in all most definitely interesting. I'm going to be taking anyone who takes the time to read this on a journey through the last few years, while making stops in the present and heading full steam toward....THE FUTURE (in Doc's voice from Back to the Future)!! Buckle up and stay tuned.


The Voice

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